Hal Abelson - definitie. Wat is Hal Abelson
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Wat (wie) is Hal Abelson - definitie

Robert Abelson         
Bob Abelson; Robert P Abelson; Robert P. Abelson; Abelson, Robert; R. P. Abelson
Robert Paul Abelson (September 12, 1928 – July 13, 2005) was a Yale University psychologist and political scientist with special interests in statistics and logic.
Neva Abelson         
Neva Martin Abelson
Neva Martin Abelson (November 19, 1910 – September 26, 2000) was a distinguished research physician who co-discovered the life-saving blood test for the Rh blood factor (with Louis K. Diamond).
P. Hal Sims         
Hal Sims; Philip Hal Sims
Philip Hal Sims (November 8, 1886 – February 26, 1949) was an American bridge player. In 1932 he was ranked by Shepard Barclay, bridge commentator of the New York Herald Tribune, the second best player in the US during the preceding year.


Hal Abelson
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Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Hal Abelson
1. Another MIT professor, named Hal Abelson,
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